Thursday, October 22, 2020

ERA 1950


1950 ISSP just a galore.........sufficiently enough as a centre of learning
Approximately the student population was just around 300 if not more.......with only 6 trained teachers and a few probationary teachers ISSP made its way to Finis Coronat Opus.........Its the beginning of Special Malay Class for pupils of the Malay schools at the age of less than ten years-old......they were chosen on their merit of a special exam conducted by the education department of Kedah and passed an interview session........they were made 'free scholars'.............please keep in mind school fees for the primary was $ 2.50 cents,and $ 5.00 for standards 1-V111 per month.
ISSP also opened the Std.V111 class of which the candidates were eligible for both the Junior cambridge and Senior cambridge Exams........
The newcomers for the primary class must passed the selection comittee interview comprising of Mr.Tiddeman , Acting superintendent of Education , the District Officer , the Land Officer and the more overage pupils
Then on ISSP headed towards a glamourous age...........both in acedamic and sports

PICTURE....Senior Cambridge Class of 1961

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