Saturday, May 31, 2008


Akhir2 ni aku tengok orang Melayu dah jadi tak keruan . Orang2 politik pula bercakaran sesama sendiri . Orang2 berpangkat pula tu , berpendidikan tinggi pula tu . Kalau begininya, gimana pula rakyat yang doeh-doeh , yang mengaji tak setara mana ,yang cerdik pun tak setara mana . Sama2 bertengkar ekoran dari pilihanraya 12 .Awat ? kalau kalah tu , ngaku kalah saja lah . Bertanding pula 5 tahun akan datang . Biar yang menang tu tunjuk jasa dia dalam 5 tahun ni. Awat nak kalut sangat . Kini tak . Macam jadi gila maroyan . Kalau nak kata gila talak pun bukan. Yang aku tau,gila kuasa . Kalau gini , habeh bangsa Melayu jadi lintang-pukang . Yang dok keluar-masuk umno pun makin rancak . Heboh sana , heboh sini . Sokong sana ,bangkang sini . Kalau gini lah kamu tak kan jadi orang Melayu , kerana kamu makin layu dan layu . ME nya dah tak dak.
Duit pula billion2 dan juta2 banyak terhilang tah kemana . Royalti minyak Terengganukite hampir RM 3.3 billion , di Selangor pun juta2 , diPerak pun juta2 , yang ku tak dengar kat kedah jer.Kami tak heboh dapat tengok bola free , hasil tanah pun turun , bendang kami luas , tapi harga beras mahal , harga padi tak dengar berita. Dan buah kayu tahun ni tak menjadi .Menurut dalam kitab2 lama yang tok lebai dok kilek bawah ketiak memberitahu bahawa pokok kayu mogok dari berbuah bila kerajaan tu zalim. Cuba tilik tengok,berbagai bala menimpa kita.Dan babi hutan pun banyak mengganas di kampong2 .Kampong Banggol derdap pun tak terlepas . Di Srengenge habeh anak2 getah termusnah.Busuk taik babi menusuk kesetiap lubang hidung.
Lepas tu pakat sibok nak buka blog , kononnya blog boleh menambah pengaruh.Sapa kata ? .Bila orang meluat jangan nak kunjung blog kita , nama pun depa tak mau dengar ....phoooraaaahhh. Tapi mantan PM kita Tun dalam sebulan dapat jadi millionaire . Sejuta lebih pengunjung melayari blog ajaibnya . Lebih terpengaruh selepas keluar dari umno . Lama2 umno akan mati tak berkubur macam semangat 46 dulu.....amin. Mengapa tidak ? orang dah meluat dengan budaya politik yang dah jadi kotor . Betul kata Shahnon Ahmad, " SHIT ".
Sambung balik pasai gadoh.
Sepatutnya yang pandai2 pimpin yang bodoh2 ni . Tapi pakat jadi bodoh sama . Kalau dok bergadoh macam ni, setahu aku hangpa tak dak masa nak pikiaq tentang rakyat . Nak pikiaq pasai rakyat macam mana , mimpi pun tarak. Ingatlah hidup ni penuh dengan dugaan.Semuanya adalah cubaan. Kamu dicuba dengan pangkat , dicuba dengan wang , dicuba dengan kuasa, dicuba dengan pengaruh ,dicuba segala2nya. Takut termasuk dalam lubang biawak. Yang miskin dicuba dengan kemiskinan, dicuba dengan kemalaratan , dicuba dengan kepapaan,dicuba dengan sakit dan berpenyakit , dicuba dengan segala kekurangan. Tapi ubat golongan ni mudah saja, iaitu sabar. Ubat golongan yang pertama tu susah sikit ,kerana mereka akan jadi lebih sombong dan susah nak melihat ke bawah.selalunya mengdongak ke atas.
Ingat lah kita semua akan mati...QULLUL-NAFSIN ZAIKATUL MAUT.
Kita akan disoal satu persatu,secara terperinci.
Nabi saw memberitau banyak orang miskin di dalam Surga Allah. Dan banyak orang perempuan di dalam Neraka. Atas pagar, tarak.
Jom pi tunai tugas sebagai kalifah Allah...sesal sekarang ada gunanya,sesal bila dah mampuih tak dak gunanya.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Apa dah jadi pada bangsa ku ? Ke hulu ke hilir aku cuba mencari jawapan , tapi tak ku jumpainya . Selagi ku cari selagi itu kegelapan berzelumat di depan mata ku . Yang terjurus maknanya cuma ternampak layu,layu dan layu . Apakah bangsa ku sudah layu ? Sukukata pertamanya "me" sudang hilang entah kemana . Ia tak sehebat semasa berjuang menentang Malayan Union. Semangatnya dah kurus .Urat dan dagingnya dah berlendir .Kencing dan beraknya dah tak sebusuk dulunya , semasa berminat memakan jering dan kerdas ( genuak ). Mana nak makan , kita dah tamaddun . kita semua dah jadi Si Tanggang . Kita lupa diri , kita sombong , kita angkoh . Kita bukan bangsa penyamun , tapi kita kerap menyamun , kita tak kenal dosa dan pahala . Kita kebas apa saja tanpa malu dan silu . Sehingga misai tertegak melintang. Antara Malayan Union dan Pulau Batu Putih , bukanlah zaman gemilang,cemerlang dan terbilang........we were in the dark age..........correct,correct,correct

Saturday, May 24, 2008


1946's NEWS..............THIS IS HISTORY


Planted twenty-eight years ago by the late Mr.E.A.G.Stuart,whose name is not likely to be forgotten in Kedah for many years to come, the Ibrahim School grew from a frail seedling into a sturdy sapling which successfully weathered the Japanese Blast. It bent but did not destroy us . And now , having survived the blight , we are gradually beginning to regain resilliency of brain and brawn , in the classroom as well as on the playing field . In this revival we trust this coming years will play its part by recording all that goes on in the school and encouraging the study of the English Language than which there is none richer in the world.

Like a new boy at school we therefore make our bow , and as we fall into line with our contemporaries we venture to express the hope that they will receive us with smiles of tolerance and feelings of goodwill ; for never has there been greater need for the exercise of this two cardinal virtues than at the present time when the world in general , and Malaya in particular , stands on the threshold of a new era the happiness of which will depend upon the will and vision to see and understand 'the other fellows' point of view . Our well-being is interwoven with that of our neighbours , and with goodwill , kindly thought and feeling ,we must all march forward together in loyalty to common ideals of freedom , law , and peaceful propress .



NEWS IN BRIEF : ---------------

First Opened : August 1919
Headmaster : Syed Jan Al-Jeefree
Asst.Headmaster : Mohammad bin Man

Site : Near Ar-Rahmaniah Mosque , opposite the road , the present compound of SK Khir Johari. The building had 3 classrooms .

1921 : Kung Cheng Hoe ,Leong Lan Oye joined the school staff.

On the first day of the school only 5 pupils enrolled. In 3 months increased to 60 , with 4 classes ; primary 1 .primary 2 , standard 1 and standard 2 .

1922 : consisted 7 classes , with highest standard 6 .

1924 : Junior cambridge was instituted.

1925 : Senior cambridge instituted. Enrolment totalling 150 with 6 teachers . So shophouses were rented at Jalan Pengkalan and Jalan Petri to accomodate the increasing number of students .

1928 : The social welfare buildings were accepted by the school as the social welfare had a new building.The school was then called The Government English School.

Later it was named Abdul Hamid School. Later Cheng seang Tiek,M.s.Balram ,C.M.Ramli ,A. Wahab Skymmar , Tan Khoon Teik , Hassan , A. Ghani joined the school staff.

1935 : Mohd.Noor Mohammad ,GM Khan , Chang Fong , Sutan Ibrahim Shah joined the school staff .Classes were from primary one to standard 9 . The caretaker was Mohd. Sawai.

The present double storey building was declared opened in 1936 by the late YTM Tengku Mahmud and renamed the school as Ibrahim School in honour of the late Regent of Kedah YTM Tengku Ibrahim.

During the Japanese occupation the school was closed.It became a Japanese Camp. It was re-opened after the war in November,1945.The Headmaster was still Syed Jan .He retired in Feb.1946 , and J.F.Augustin succeeded him untul his retirement in June,1953. After that Lim Chien Chye took over the headmastership .




Mr.Syed Jan re-opened the school on October 10,1945,with 26 pupils and 2 teachers. The building was then under requisition and the boys were housed in the old Chinese Protectorate . Work was resumed under great difficulties--lack of furniture , lack of books , lack of teaching appratus----but the enrolment rose steadily and at the end of the year (1945) there were 121 boys and 5 teachers with classes up to standard V . In January 1946 , 53 boys were admitted , raising the total to 174. The enrolment then increased to 205 ( of whom 40 pay no fees----they were free scholars) , teachers numbered 7 , and the highest class was standard VIII . The average daily attendance had been 182.85 with a percentage of 93.68 .

The school was sorely understaffed . The waiting list of 50 were expecting to attend school , and 3 more teachers were needed . So the school could cope competently with the work that lies ahead.


In the year 1946 the lst speech day after the war was held .The school report was read by the headmaster then Mr.J.F.Augustin . I am happy to publish a part of his speech regarding the lst headmaster of the school, Mr. Syed Jan .

The occassion was out in the daily press then 'The Straits Echo'.


'This report would be incomplete without a reference to Mr.Syed Jan,the school's first headmaster. Appointed by the then Suprintendent of Education, the late Mr.E.A.G.Stuart , when the school was opened in 1918 . Mr.Syed Jan was Headmaster until Febuary this year (1945)."

"Excluding the period of the Jap incubus he was therefore incharge of the school for approximately 25 years . During this time he tended the school with efficiency and zeal ......saw it grow from a seedling to the sturdy sapling which is now is . His name will always be associated with the school and we wish him many happy years of the retirement which he has so well earned. "

( Old-boys of Ibrahim School please surf the school for more nostalgic news)



Mr.V.S.Tupper was a former teacher of Ibrahim School .Below is the story how he was brought from India to Malaya . His journey to Malaya is fastinating .

" I am in Malaya in response to an advertisement which the government of The Federation of Malaya inserted in the leading newspapers of India and Pakistan,for trained 'Honours Graduate' with a couple of years of teaching experience , on a short-term contracts of three years , extendable to five , on salary and allowances far in excess of what a poor country like India can afford to pay.

I liked the advertisement and by way of information brought it to the notice of the staff of the school of which I was the headmaster, and even told them that that was an excellant opportunity to go out to see a little of the world and also to earn a handsome salary,adding,that three years was after all not a very long period of time to be away from home.But the man who thus advised his staff was himself in no mood to apply for the post just then.It was not until the third and last appearance of the advertisement that I decided to send in my application.A month later I was invited to appear at an interview at Lucknow ( 2oo miles away from my home ),at the expense of the Malayan Government.That was during our long vacations and it suited me admirably to make a short trip to Lucknow and that too not at my own expense . I was able to guess that things had gone fairly well with me at the Selection Board which consisted of twno Europeans and two co-opted Indian officers.Three weeks later I received a letter to say that I was being considered for an appointment subject to satisfactory completion of certain preliminaries. The perliminaries having successfully completed , the next letter said that I have been selected for appointment and that a passage was being arranged for me .

The last letter informed me of my sailing date by m.s."Santhia",adding that I would be met at Penang by an officer of the Malayan Government who would arrange for my accommodation and onward transport.

On board the "Santhia" I realised that I was accompanied by six other officers proceeding to Malaya on the same mission.

The " Santhia " reached Penang in the small hours of the morning of November 6,1953.Coming out of my cabin the first sight of Malaya to greet my eyes was the channel, the clocktower and the Penang Hill.But unlike others,my heart was heavy to think that my pleasant journey of 9 days had come to an end.I wished that it had gone on for ever, like Penelope's web.The government officer who met me at Penang was none other than our kindly Headmaster Mr.Lim Chien Chye.He came on board and from the outset began to make me feel at home.When asked where I was going he answered " Sungai Petani" last I am at Ibrahim School.....

Finis Coronat Opus. " V.S.TUPPER (EX-TEACHER)

( I submitted this same notes to the Ibrahim school


The re-union gathering was held ( the first ) 0n the 30th of September,1949 .Mr.Heywood was elected patron .The presidency was Tuan Syed Hassan Aljeffri.The Seroja Orchestra under the leadership of Che Azmi b. Baharom played selections, and the convivial gathering did not break up until midnight . Before dinner , there was a general meeting at which the following office-bearers were elected.
President : Syed Hassan Al-Jefferi
Vice-Presidents : Dr.James Abraham and Mr.Fong Kam Hoy
Hon.Secretary : Mr.Chin Chin Cheang
Asst.Hon.Secretary : Che Din bin Junid
Secretary for North Kedah : Che Puteh bin Mat
Secretary for South Kedah : Che Salleh bin Din
Hon. Treasurer : Mr.Tam Peng Eam
Hon Auditors :Tuan Syed Mansor , Mr.K.S. Veloo
Sports Captain : Mr. Ooi Chooi Kam
Committee Members : Che Ibraim bin Mat ,
Che Zainol bin Yusoff ,
Che Osman bin Haji A.Halim ,
Che Abdullah bin A.Wahab and
Mr.Ooi Chooi Lum


Friday, May 23, 2008


Peribahasa Melayu tidak ada calang yang dapat menandinginya.Cukup tajam , cukup sinis . Kini peribahasa itu dah jadi mainan ramai bila memperkatakan isu Tun M me'lompat' keluar dari umno. Susah juga duri dalam daging nak keluar kalau tidak dicabut oleh orang yang merasai sakitnya. Tapi duri itu keluar sendiri kerana duri yang sakit berada dalam daging . sebelum ini daging tak pun rasa sakitnya. Yang sakit ialah duri . Kerana duri dah tak bersedia lama dalam daging , sebab daging dah mungkin berbau busuk . Duri tak senangi berada disamping bau busuk. Dan duri akan rasa lega bila berpisah dan dapat menghirup udara nyaman di luar alam maya.
Yang aku dok pikiaq sesuaikah peribahasa itu digunakan di masa karang ni ? Dunia dah berubah dan orang zaman kini pun dah tak terjebak dengan duri2 lagi , cuma yang rakyat2 marhean macam aku saja setiap hari terkena duri ,lebih2 lagi bila memasuki hutan Bukit Srengenge. Ya yang marhean macam kami lah yang banyak terdapat duri dalam daging . Tak kah mereka sama2 mau pikiaq bahawa mencabut duri2 dalam daging rakyat miskin adalah lebih penting sekarang ni ....ia adalah lebih aula . Rakyat tak tertahan bagaimana royalti minyak T'ganu lesap RM 3.3 billion, dan banyak lagi penyelewengan , pembaziran dan pembohongan yang Allah Ta'ala saja yang tau. Adoooh....Adoooh ....ADOOH , sakitnya cukup berbisa dalam daging2 kering rakyat . Oh Lahuma , bagaimanakah sakitnya bila kakimu terpijak duri nibong di Banggol Derdap dulu ? Di masa itu setiap pegawai terpaksa belajar tentang kesakitan kau . Mereka membaca tentang susah-payah kau . Mereka diuji kepahaman tentang kau . Selepas lulus mereka menjadi pentadbir yang cekap dan komitted. Duri2 dalam daging anak-cucu Lahuma dibuang satu persatu.
( ps: Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan ialah Teks HSC/STP 1960an)
Kerajaan membatalkan MOU dengan Universiti Al-Azhar cukup mendera daging kering rakyat.Duri dan onak menusuk sehingga ke tulang sum-sum.Berapa banyak graduan Islam di Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor (KUIS),Kolej Islam Antarabangsa (KIAS) dan Kolej Universiti INSANIAH (KUIN) akan menghadapi kemelut ini . Alasan yang diberi di parlimen oleh Tim.Menteri Pengajian Tinggi ialah kerana permintaan pasaran graduan agama terlalu minima , jadi kerajaan perlu menghadkan hantar pelajar ke Azhar . Duri jenis ini mengabaikan pembinaan insan . Terhakisnya roh Islam dalam diri . Bukan saja iblis menjadi musuh Islam tapi rupanya sesama kita pun ada . Yang aku tau kebanyakan pelajar di Azhar Mesir ni membiayai perbelanjaan sendiri , tak da biasiswa tak da PTPTN . Itu pun nak sekat . Dulu sekolah2 agama rakyat disekat bantuan. Bila bersangkut agama ni ,aku cepat jadi hot.Dulu2 Abu Lahab dan isterinya sekat Nabi saw dengan kayu berduri di laluan , kini duri2 yang diguna juga bertaraf yang sama . Rupa2nya duri2 juga yang menusuk ke daging2 kering anak2 kita . Janganlah bina pusat perpecahan ke arah mengabdikan diri dengan Allah , Tuhan seluruh alam.
Kalau masih ingin , buatlah dosa sebanyak2nya , kerana hanya di dunia saja tempatnya.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Sejarah manusia ialah satu sejarah yang cukup aneh , walaupun diberi akal manusia tak pandai mempelajari dan membaiki diri dengan melihat dari sejarah yang sudah dilalui nenek-moyang . Jatuh bangun satu kuasa ke suatu kuasa , satu tamaddun ke satu tamaddun , tak jadi pengajaran pada manusia . Otak di kepala dah menjunam ke tumit . Allah menghantar silih berganti nabi2Nya,Rasul2Nya untuk mendidik manusia , tapi manusia ni degil . Sifat Abu Jahal , Abu Lahab diwarisi .Sifat Firaun ,Namrud di kilek dan disemaikan kepada generasi2 yang mendatang . Mereka nak ambil kuasa .Sejarah manusia ialah sejarah pertempuran untuk merebut kuasa , sekaligus untuk kepentingan ekonomi . Hukum ini tak pernah di ubah manusia dan tak akan berubah selagi ada jenis manusia yang tak berkepala hotak.

Inilah asas perjalanan sejarah denai-laluan dimiliki manusia yang tak berkepala hotak . Berebut apa saja tak berkesudahan , dan berperang adalah asas dalam perebutan ekonomi .Benci-membenci tak habis2 antara satu sama lain . Yang berkuasa sama yang berkuasa , yang bawah sesama bawahan .

Kemudian Allah memberi peringatan dengan menurunkan bala . Apabila datang bala , semua boleh merasai pahit-maungnya. Kini kita semua dapat kesan dari melunjaknya harga barang , kurangnya bahan makanan seperti beras , buah-kayu tak menjadi , gempa bumi ,tsunami ,nargis ,letupasn gunung berapi dan cuaca buruk yang tak menentu . Kezaliman , rasuah , penipuan ,pembohongan dah berlaku depan mata secara jelas dan nyata . Itu semua menggamit murka Allah . Aduhai manusia,mengapakah bangangnya kamu ? Lama mana kamu boleh hidup di dunia ni ? Mengapa nak sombong dan angkuh .

Beringatlah kamu semua dalam apa juga wadah perjuangan kamu : UMNO kah ,PAS kah ,Keadilan kah……………….sedarlah Nabi saw tinggal kat kita Al-Quran dan Al-Hadisnya………….kerekah lah dengan geraham mu , supaya kamu terselamat.



Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Aku tak ambil kisah bilamana Tun Mahathir keluar dari UMNO . Aku tau sejarah UMNO dah memang macam tu . Semua Presiden UMNO keluar UMNO kecuali Tun Razak saja , itu pun kerana dia meninggal masih Perdana Menteri lagi. Dato' Oon keluar UMNO tubuh Parti Negara . Yang ahli biasa pun macam tu juga,keluar-masuk,keluar-masuk. Pak Lah dulu pun keluar UMNO masuk Semangat 46 ikut Ku Li .Lepas tu masuk balik dan kerana masih terkenal sebagai Mr.Clean , Tun M lantik dia sebagai menteri. Menteri Penerangan Ahmad sabbery pun dulu S46.Rais Yatim pun orang kuat S46.Ibrahim Ali pun sama masuk balik Umno , dan akhirnya Ku Li pun turut masuk Umno dan sekaligus membubarkan S46.Dalam politik ni keluar-masuk tu perkara biasa ja . Tapi rakyat Malaysia ni cepat panik , rioh-rendah sana-sini tak tentu pasal .Sejurus saja Tun M umumkan hasratnya keluar Umno , beritanya tersebar meluas di serata media .Di media letronik penuh ulasan yang berbagai dan kerana aku tak kisah , aku tak minat mengikuti teka-teki mereka .Di media tulis pun begitu sehingga aku tak berminat membacanya. Dalam blog-blog berbagai yang diulaskan oleh para bloggers.Dengan komen2 yang berjumlah ratusan banyaknya.Hingga kini pun masih berdengung kedengaran di setiap inci laluan udara Malaysia dan dah merebak ke seantaro dunia.
Tapi kali ni tidak ada lagi Fidah yang dapat menghalang Tun M . Jeritan keramat Fidah ," No,No,No" seketika dulu dapat menangguhkan Tun M meletakkan jawatan Perdana Menteri. Ketika itu mereka belum lagi bersengketa pasai AP . Jadi typical bollywood drama cukup menjadi dan aksi seolah2 orijinal . Kalau Mad Nisfu jadi pengarah dah pasti dia memuji setinggi langit dan sepontan akan mengeluarkan kata-kata seperti dalam tape video VG.Linggam ," Correct.Correct,Correct".
Tapi yang aku syoknya bila Tan Sri Sanusi umumkan bahawa dia keluar UMNO lebih awal dari Tun M. Sanusi seorang manusia yang cukup cerdik.Aku kenalnya kerana kami masing2 dalam satu kelas semasa di Ibrahim School.Lepas tu dia pi ke Malay College.Lepas 40 tahun kami tak pernah bersua muka , tapi bila jumpa dia masih kenai aku . Sebelum aku menegur, dia yang lebih awal menjerit," Pak Itam". Ya akulah pak itam.Ingatannya cukup istemewa.Aku mudah kenal dia sebab dia orang ternama,orang besar. Macammana aku yang kerdil dia boleh ingat .Itulah dia Sanusi. Pertama kali aku makan keropok belulang kerbau semasa Sanusi berikan pada ku semasa di sekolah dulu . Selepas 50 tahun kemudian baru aku dapat rasa pula bila anak ku pi belajar kat Aceh. Dia bawa balik . Sekali-sekala aku pi juga kat Kampung Aceh di Yan , kerana kawan2 ku banyak dari keturunan Aceh. Dulu aku tertarik juga dengan anak dara Aceh , tapi memandangkan aku tak lawa , aku batalkan saja niat ku . Lagi pun aku ni jenis orang ulu. Lebih baik meminang orang yang sama2 ulu . Ulu Sik dengan ulu Tikam Batu.Niat anak dara Aceh dah tak tersimpan di kepala hotak ku lagi . Aku cuma doakan semoga Negeri Aceh maju.Tsunami 2004 dah berlalu , sekarang tsunami PR12 (2008) masih mengganas.
Balik ke topik asal.Aku pula tak masuk UMNO , jadi macam mana nak keluar UMNO . Aku ni tak berminat sangat berpolitik , bukan kerana politik tu kotor , tapi budaya berpolitik tu kotor . Jadi tak mau bergelumang dengan kekotoran . Kekotoran tu bagaikan SHIT . Dah 3 kali aku baca buku SHIT karangan Shahnon Ahmad. Baru sekarang terbukti pandangan dan pendapat Shahnon dalam SHIT tu ada kebenarannya......bila baca baru dapat tau gimana busuk berdengungnya. Baru2 ni Shahnon karang yang semerbak baunya. MAHABBAH nama bukunya.Aku baru saja habeh membaca......harum,harum,harum.
Selamat berjaya Tun , mungkin ada lagi kejutan2 lain yang boleh menyelamatkan agama,bangsa dan negara. Aku cuma berdoa saja , kerana doa ialah senjata orang mukmin.Habeh berdoa aku boleh releks . Buat kejutan tak boleh releks . Mana boleh suruh orang mengandung , tapi tak mau beri perut buncit .......kah,kah,kah
Setiap orang ada gilanya , inilah gaya kegilaan ku .
Pohon Allah redhokan ku , astagfirullah
Jom kita bersedia keluar dari dunia ni , untuk sama2 pula masuk ke Surga Allah .

Sunday, May 18, 2008


This sketch was sent by GEB a friend of mine ( a Brinsfordian of course ) .

Many years ago in a small Indian village,A farmer had the misfortune Of owing a large sum of money to a village moneylender. The Moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the farmer's beautiful Daughter.
So he proposed a bargain.He said he would forgo the farmer's debt if he could marry his Daughter. Both the farmer and his daughter were horrified by the Proposal.

So the cunning money-lender suggested that they let Providence decide the matter. He told them that he would put a black Pebble and a white pebble into an empty money bag. Then the girl would Have to pick one pebble from the bag.
1) If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father's debt would be forgiven.
2) If she picked the white pebble she need not marry him and her father's debt would still be forgiven.
3) But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into Jail.
They were standing on a pebble strewn path in the farmer's field. As They talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he Picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two Black pebbles and put them into the bag.He then asked the girl to pick A pebble from the bag.
Now, imagine that you were standing in the field. What would you have Done if you were the girl? If you had to advise her, what would you Have told her?
Careful analysis would produce three possibilities:
1. The girl should refuse to take a pebble.
2. The girl should show that there were two black pebbles in the bag And expose the money-lender as a cheat.
3. The girl should pick a black pebble and sacrifice herself in order To save her father from his debt and imprisonment.
Take a moment to ponder over the story. The above story is used with The hope that it will make us appreciate the difference between lateral And logical thinking.
The girl's dilemma cannot be solved with Traditional logical thinking. Think of the consequences if she choosesThe above logical answers.What would you recommend to the Girl to do?
Well, here is what she did ....The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble. Without Looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path Where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.

"Oh, how clumsy of me," she said. "But never mind, if you look into the Bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which pebble I Picked."Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she had Picked the white one.
And since the money-lender dared not admit his Dishonesty, the girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into An extremely advantageous one.

Most complex problems do have a solution. It is only that we don't Attempt to think.

Well,our country is facing many problems lately : Food shortage , Oil-royalty,true leadership,Linggam video,etc.etc.................there are solutions...let us pikiaq !

Saturday, May 17, 2008



5% merupakan secebis isi yang dapat dirasai oleh rakyat Trangganukite dari duit royalty minyaknya . Bekas MB mengakui menerimanya sebanyak RM 1.3 billion setahun , bermula dari 2004 hingga 2007.

Tapi yang anehnya parlimen melaporkan RM 7.34 billion dibayar ke Terangganu Bistari Islam Hadhari dari 2004 hingga 2007. Jadi maknanya MB sepatutnya menerima RM 2.4 billion bukan RM 1.3 billion.

Arithmatik yang mudahnya ,kemanakah RM 1.1 billion lagi tersimpan di poket siapa ? Kalau 3 tahun bermakna RM 3.3 billion . Bukan satu angka yang kecil . Apakah kita semua nak berdiam diri kerana susah kita nanti bila berdepan dengan Allah. Tiada sesiapa yang berkuasa nak mencari dalam poket haprak manakah duit itu ? Kita semua nak tahu , takkanlah Islam Hadhari yang kita sanjung kehebatannya boleh membenarkan pedosa besar ini melepaskan diri . Walaupun kita tau ia akan dicekop juga oleh para malaikat nanti . Tak tersedar dalam kehingaran sorak-sorai Monsoon Cup .Terlena nyenyak dalam Masjid Kristal.

Aduhai rakyat Bistari kamu menderita dalam kesunyian ………in silence you suffer.

Sampai ke bila yer ?.............grief is incomplete


Al-Fatihah untuk bekas guru2 ku yang telah kembali ke rahmatullah.

Aku baru pergi cari cikgu aku semasa di Sekolah Melayu dulu.Hanya dia seorang saja yang aku tau masih hidup.Tapi malang bagi ku , dia tak dapat sempat berjumpa . Kuburnya masih baru .Hasratku berjumpa dengannya juga cukup istimewa : Nak tunjuk padanya sebuah buku yang dia hadiahkan padaku semasa aku di darjah 3 . Tandatangannya masih jelas terpapar di buku itu,tercatat tarikhnya 30 / 6 /1952 bersamaan 8 / Syawal / 1371.......thank you very much cikgu .Aku mula memahami 1,2,3.....aku mula mengenali ABC.....dan aku mulai membaca Alif , Ba dan Ta , itu semuanya dari mu .
Nama mu sentiasa di kenang.Semoga roh mu bersama orang2 solihin.
Dialah pemberi paling setia,
Setiap akar ilmu miliknya
Pelita dan lampu segalanya,
Untuk manusia jadi dewasa
Dialah ibu bapa dan sahabat,
Alur kesetiaan mengalir nasihat
Pemimpin yang ditauliah segala umat,
Seribu tahun katanya berhikmat
Jika hari ini Perdana Menteri berkuasa,
Jika hari ini Raja menaiki takhta
Jika hari ini Presiden sebuah Negara,
Jika hari ini ulama mulia
Sejarahnya dimulakanoleh guru biasa,
Dengan lembut sabar
Mengajar tulis baca
Di mana dia berdiri di muka muridnya,
Di sekolah mewah di ibu kota
Di bangunan tua di sekolah Hulu Terengganu,
Dia wakili guru seribu buku
Semakin terpencil duduknya di ceruk desa,
Semakin bererti tugasnya pada negara.
Jadilah apa pun pada akhirnya,
Budi yang diapung di dulang ilmu
Panggilan keramat "cikgu" terpahat,
Menjadi kenangan di akhir hayat.

Thursday, May 15, 2008



Entah tiba2 saja aku teringat pada mullah Awang Hamad.Dalam tahun 50an/60an AH (Awang Hamad) ialah satu tokoh yang tersohor di daerah ku ( persekitaran srengenge ).AH ialah ketua kampong , pendekar ( guru silat) , bomoh , dan AH juga digeruni oleh sesiapa saja kerana orang percaya AH mempunyai ilmu kebal . Dalam ilmu silat tak sapa pun berani bersemuka dengan AH . AH boleh menepis dalam sekelip mata.

AH mendapat tempat sebagai tokoh /watak teristemewa dalam novel2 Shahnon Ahmad. Dalam Ranjau sepanjang Jalan, Rentong ,Srengenge dan berbagai lagi nobelnya, watak AH ada diselit oleh Shahnon Ahmad.

Semasa aku muda2 dulu aku berkawan baik dengan mullah. Beruntung aku berkawan dengan mullah kerana beliau membuatkan aku cepat matang.Di atas dorongannya aku mula membuat rumah kediaman sendiri , lepas itu mullah juga menguruskan perkahwinan aku . Masa itu aku belum lagi galak nak kawin , nak kata warok taklah warok tapi tergolong dalam budak2 yang baik. Aku jadi malu nak membuat perkara2 mungkar , kerana sentiasa terasa macam mullah berada disamping ku setiap masa. Sokmonya bila ada aku adalah mullah , dan bila ada aku dan mullah adalah juga mullah Haji Sahak (HS) . HS juga mempunyai keistemewaannya tersendiri , HS ialah seorang master-of-ceremony yang bukan calang2nya . Dalam semua upacara dan majlis perkahwinan HS lah orangnya. Orang ternama yang ada di daerah kami semua kenal HS . HS juga mampu mengendalikan majlis2 rasmi . Pejabat DO mullah boleh keluar masuk dengan bebas. Mullah Datuk Tengku Fariddudin , DO semasa itu cukup kamceng dengan mullah HS . Jadi kami mudah mendapat bantuan2 dari pejabat daerah. Melaluinya kami dapat jalan luarbandar,dewan,benih2 tanaman dan ternakan dan sebagainya . HS membuat kerja dengan ikhlas ,tidak ada penyelewengan,rasuah dan sebagainya. Berbeza dengan pemimpin2 sekarang ni ………..sama2lah piker , kata raja lawak Nabil.

Mullah AH cukup tenang orangnya , jiwanya tenang.Cukup sederhana hidupnya. Aku cuma dapat mengutip dua peristiwa bilamana AH menjadi cemas.Kedua2nya ialah peristiwa anaknya Mael dan Mezah nak kawin.Bersama HS dia datang ke rumah ku untuk nak tau tentang menantunya. Kebetulan saja kerana bakal menantunya bertugas di sekolah yang sama denganku.......Sik English School.........atau lebih terkenal dengan Syed English School......pasai Pak Tuan Syed Bakar ialah gurubesarnya. Begitu juga bila anaknya Mezah nak kawin dengan anak seorang Dato' , dia tergesa2 juga ke rumah ku untuk mendapat ketenangan dirinya. Dia rasa takut nak berbesan dengan orang ternama . Dia rasa tak padan dengannya sebagai seorang kampong , orang hulu , dan dia takut akan terasa malu . Tapi aku waktu itu pun masih muda lagi dan aku pun tenggelam punca juga , kerana waktu itu gelaran Dato' cukup menggerunkan kami , kerana kami orang ulu. Tapi dengan pertolongan Allah aku dapat mengurangkan sedikit kegelisahannya.....kami bersambung lagi topik itu pada besoknya. Akhirnya AH dapat tidor lena .
Hingga kini kedua2 pasangan anak menantunya hidup aman damai.......alhamdulillah.

Kepada AH dan HS , mullah-mullah yang berminda kelas

Orang macam mullah2 tersebut adalah dalam masyarakat kelas bawahan , dalam kelas ketiga . Tapi mereka mempunyai minda kelas pertama . Walhal kita sekarang adalah warga kelas pertama , tapi, tapi minda kita tercorot di kelas ketiga .

Terbalik pula jadinya……..lepas PR12 jelas terlihat kecorotannya.

phoooorahhhh........yang depa tau bincang pasai babi , pasai berok.Aku jadi malu seorang diri.

Bermahabbah ialah yang terbaik.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Hari ini terbaca dalam akhbar Utusan Malaysia bahawa UiTM akan membuka pengajian blog . Mengapa tiba2 saja orang berminat pada blog ? Padahal dah lama ujud orang2 berblog . Dan tak payahlah mengaji di universiti pasai blog . Pada ku mudah sangat nak membuka blog . Yang susahnya nak tulis dalam blog . Bukan semua orang minat menulis . Dan bukan pula semua orang sanggup berdepan komputer untuk menulis . Aku yang dah tua bangka pun tak pernah masok kelas komputer dan tak pernah mengikuti program berblog pun bolah buat. As easy as ABC . Tapi walaupun mudah seperti ABC , banyak juga orang yang tak boleh membaca. Ada yang tak kenal ABC. Golongan ini memang dah tak boleh berblog.
Berblogger juga adalah satu seni , dan mereka tak kedekut (lokek) memberi maklumat kepada setiap pembaca . Maklumat yang serba-aneka .Berbagaian ,sehingga isu2 terkini mudah dan pantas termaklum dari radia dan tv dan sebagainya.
Kalau UiTM berniat juga membuka jabatan bolgnya , aku cadangkan PRK 'Petra Raja Kamarudin' menjadi dekannya. Kerana PRK lah yang mencetuskan kontroversi dalam blognya " Let us send the murderers of Altantuya to hell' , sehingga beliau di dakwa di bawah Akta Hasutan. Seterusnya blog meniti di setiap bibir masyarakat di Malaysia. Sekaligus juga RTM1 juga membuka rancangan berdialog dalam tajuk BLOG . Kini bila sebut saja blog , setiap penggemar komputer akan melayari blog PRK . Aku pun sekarang suka surfing di website PRK .
Orang2 estet dulu pun guna perkataan blok.Mereka pandai bercakap pasai blok. Hari2 mereka masok blok untuk menureh.

Monday, May 12, 2008


12th May 2008

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - - Malaysia's former premier Sunday urged Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi not to tackle the country's soaring food and fuel prices by increasing subsidies.

The comments by Mahathir Mohamad come after Abdullah admitted over the weekend that funds set aside to moderate the present soaring prices of food in the country might not be enough.
"The government must not just make a popular announcement of more susbidies... you have to work out how to overcome a food shortage," he said.
"It is not (just) a price problem... (because) even if you reduce the price, if there is no food, there is no food," he said.
Abdullah said on Saturday that his government was uncertain if the present food subsidies would cover the country's needs.
"We have allocated 4 billion ringgit (1.25 billion dollars) to provide for sufficient supply of food. We will spend 2.4 billion ringgit, and will be left with 1.6 billion ringgit. We do not know if this sum would be enough for the long term," he told state news agency Bernama.
Abdullah also said Malaysia will spend more money subsidising oil and gas this year than on developing the country and called for a review of all major projects.
He also told party members on Sunday that the government would spend 50 billion ringgit on subsidies this year.
This will exceed its annual 40 billion ringgit budget for major development and infrastructure projects under the country's ninth development plan.
"We are facing a crisis we have not faced before... it's a new crisis related to crude oil prices," he said.
"As the government, we will try our best to ease this burden. We will not allow this problem to grow. We cannot wait and see any more. We have the political will to act to ease the burden on the people," he added.
Abdullah said with global oil prices hitting 124 dollars a barrel, the impact on Malaysians would be huge, state news agency Bernama reported.
"As such, we have decided to review all projects and the allocations for them. We have to tackle both these crises because they affect the people directly," he told Bernama.
The Malaysian economy has come under increasing inflationary pressures as rocketing oil and food prices combined with local controls led to a shortage of cooking oil and flour earlier this year.
Malaysia, which imports about 30 percent of its rice needs, heavily subsidises more than 20 daily food items, including milk and salt.
World rice prices have soared this year, a trend blamed on higher energy and fertiliser costs, greater global demand, droughts, the loss of rice farmland to biofuel plantations, as well as commodities speculators.


Dalam perbualan telefon atau dalam percakapan sesama orang ramai lani , celahan 'correct,correct,correct' , dah digunakan cukup meluas . Kekadang lucu juga apabila bualan tersangkut2 dengan celahan 'correct,correct,correct'. Bila berbincangkan perkara2 yang serius juga dah tak jadi serius .'Correct,correct,correct'. Jadi sedikit sebanyak menghilangkan tekanan dalam diri . Hilang stress . Ubat mujarab terkini , lebih2 lagi dapat menstabilkan perasaan yang memarak-marak di dada , disebabkan kenaikan harga barang ,lebih2 lagi beras yang menjadi nadi rakyat miskin di kampong. 'Correct,correct,correct' . Dulu pun mereka makan beras kelas rendah dan harga terendah.'Correct,correct,correct.' Tapi harganya lani pun dah melunjak sama tinggi berdiri. 'Correct,correct,correct'.
Hari ni 12 Mei,ialah hari ibu dan hari ulangtahun umno ke-62 . Apakah malangnya seorang bapa dan ibu yang sudah tua melihat anak2nya menghadapi segala susah-payah dengan kekurangan bahan makanan."Correct,correct,correct'. Sekaligus pula pegawai kerajaan terpaksa pula pencen di umur ke-58.Aduh,sekarang pun dah banyak yang mengidap darah-tinggi dan kencing-manis , bagaimana nak sambung lagi 2 tahun.'Correct,correct,correct'. Apa pula kata anak2 muda kita ,graduan2 universiti yang berjumlah puluhan ribu masih lagi menganggur.'Correct,correct,correct'. Kata raja-lawak Nabil,' Sama2 pikir la". 'Correct,correct,correct'.
When making wrongs how come it be correct ?............'correct,correct,correct'.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Adakah anda tau apa itu Akta Hasutan ? AH telah berumur 60 tahun ( 2 tahun lebih tua dari Raja Petra Kamarudin ) . AH diperkenalkan oleh kerajaan British yang menjajah Malaya pada tahun 1948. British dah keluar ,tapi undang2nya masih bermastautin.
Harimau mati tinggal belangnya,
Manusia mati tinggal namanya.
Kalau aku mati , tinggallah SRENGENGEnya.


"Memarak" ialah perkataan lama , dan ia jarang sekali digunakan lani. Bila sesuatu itu memarak itu menandakan ia sudah dekat ajalnya.Bila pokok itu memarak , saat untuk tumbang sudah dekat.Rumah2 traditional kita juga memarak bila kita memijak lantainya.Pak Non sudah pasti kenalnya,kerana Pak Non cukup berminat mengkaji rumah2 lama ini.Kenderaan baru dibeli tidak ada bunyi memarak sana-sini.Tapi kalau naik VW aku , wah rioh-rendah sana sini, krik-krek,krik-krek sana-sini dan di mana saja . Kekadang tak dapat pastikan yang manakah bunyi anak tikus yang bersarang di dalamnya.Tak payah on radio kerana bunyinya juga muzik yang terpaksa kita mendengarinya. Orang tua macam aku juga suka 'memarak' , tapi dalam bahasa harian kita kata 'berleter'. Memang hobi orang tua ialah berleter.Itu menunjukkan zaman kini dah berlainan dengan dulu.Orang tua suka yang dulu-dulu,yang lani dah tak sesuai lagi .
Dalam dunia moden ini banyak lagi 'memarak' berlaku pada alamnya sendiri . Peperangan memarak dimana saja , angin dan taufan memarak. Gunung berapi memerak . Lautan memerak dengan ganasnya.Suara2 manusia juga memerak menuntut keadilan , kerana kezaliman memarak dalam setiap sanubari yang berkuasa.
Dalam alam siber para bloggers memarak mensuarakan pelbagai peristiwa yang menghiris hati dan jiwa rakyat.Orang yang berkuasa hendak terus berkuasa berasa tak senang mendengar memarak berlaku dan cuba menghindari tidak mendengarnya. Sebenarnya they want to listen to memarak of the bloggers . They get troubled , so they refused to listen . Dan yang lebih anehnya they prevent others from listening.
Selepas PR12 ,umno juga memarak dan hingga kini masih rancak memarak. Begitulah benda yang lama akan memarak . Memarak sekali-sekali boleh memberi pengertian akan hari maut. Bila dekat dengan maut,kita diceritakan akan gelisah tak tentu pasal , kerana bukan senang hendak mati. Umur kita pun bila dah mencecah 60an , pastinya mati itu dah dekat.Kekasih Allah Nabi saw pun dia sempat 63 tahun saja. Sebenarnya berapa umur umno yer ? 2008 - 1946 = 62 . Memang umur ini dalam lingkongan penalti........memaraklah penjaga golnya .
Memarak..........bukankah ia juga 'point of order' / 'standing order'?......aku pun tak tau maknanya . Tapi itulah yang ku kerap dengar bila yb-yb kita mula nak berhujjah.
Dalam filem Ali Baba Bujang Lapok , P.Ramlee sokmo berhujjah bila nak BUKA dan nak TUTUP pintu gua :
Sekaligus pintu gua akan memarak bila terbuka dan tertutup.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dari : TUAN GURU Kepada: RPK

8hb Mei 2008/ 2 Jamadil Awwal 1429
YM. Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin
Warkah Simpati dan Pengiktirafan
Saya menerima berita mengenai nasib tuan yang dituduh dibawah Akta Hasutan 1948 dan kini ditahan reman dalam penjara Sg. Buloh sehingga kes disebut di mahkamah pada 6 Oktober 2008 dengan penuh kesedihan.
Bagaimanapun, jauh di hati saya, saya masih terasa kagum kerana di sana masih ada seorang sehebat tuan yang cekal mempertahankan apa yang difikirkan benar.
Prinsip ini cukup selaras dengan dasar anutan Agama Islam kita yang sentiasa bertunjangkan amar makruf nahi mungkar.
Ia kebetulan disebut juga oleh demokrasi dan turut diperuntukkan di dalam perlembagaan kita di bawah perkara kebebasan bersuara dan menyatakan pendapat.
Soal bersalah atau sebaliknya; maka terlanjur tuan telah dituduh di bawah Akta Hasutan, maka ia terpulanglah kepada proses keadilan di mahkamah yang selanjutnya.
Sewaktu Nabi Allah Yusuf 'alaihissalam dikurung oleh pihak berkuasa di zamannya kerana fitnah, Yusuf berkata, "wahai Tuhanku, penjara lebih aku sukai daripada memenuhi ajakan mereka kepadaku. Dan jika tidak Engkau hindarkan daripadaku tipu daya mereka, tentu aku akan cenderung untuk (memenuhi keinginan mereka) dan tentulah aku termasuk orang-orang yang bodoh."
Lantaran istiqomah Nabi Yusuf itu, Allah maqbulkan doa baginda lalu "menghindar Yusuf dari tipu daya mereka. Sesungguhnya, Dialah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui." (Petikan dari Surah Yusuf Ayat 33 dan 34).
Selaras dengan perkembangan ini, izinkan saya turut bersama mendoakan tuan agar sentiasa dipelihara kesihatan dan keselamatan oleh Allah SWT.
Semoga yang benar itu akan terserlah jua walaupun harganya adalah pengorbanan. Selagi tuan benar dan kita semua benar di sisi Allah SWT, tuan dan kita pada amnya tidak perlu merasa khuatir.
Mari kita terus tabah, bersama dengan perjuangan demi menegakkan yang hak dan menolak kebatilan.
Salam perjuangan. Wassalam.
Menteri Besar Kelantan Merangkap Mursyidul Am PAS - mr

Iklim politik di Malaysia pun sama dgn zaman Nabi Yusof.......RPK di penjara & barang makanan melambung tinggi ( beras umpamanya ).

Wednesday, May 7, 2008



Posted by labisman
Wednesday, 07 May 2008
You must come out of Sungei Buloh Detention!
Daulat YM RPK,
We acknowledge your principles. If not for the principles you would not be what the people are looking for in a leader. You have everything that is needed to be a leader. You are one of the "Greatest Spiritual Leaders", I have personally mixed with. You follow the Holy Koran. You don't pretend to be holy. You are not a show-off. You are never greedy nor ever desired to accumulate wealth. You hate a person who steals and tells lies. You do not mix with people who are corrupt and lustful. You are a prince but your friends are mostly the middle class man on the road. These are perhaps some of the least of the traits I am stating here, and these are more than enough for great people to admire you. The people who admire you are even from the upper echelon. More than 60% of us Bangsa Malaysians are your friends. Even MPs and State Assemblymen came to say a few words to you at the Jalan Duta Court despite their call for duty at the Parliament and State Assemblies. I heard a policeman talking outside on the road to his friend that most of them are not happy of what is happening but they are just carrying on with their duties.
We all know that your writings, touch the feelings of us the common folks. People from the Kampongs, New villages and Estates traveled many miles to hear your Ceramahs. The Malays with a cry of Reformasi, The Chinese and again The Indians with the cry of Makkal Sakti, are with a hope that someday you will lead this Nation as its Prime Minister.
Umno, who themselves are divided in camps have today lost face due to their arrogance, pride, corruption, and unfair rulings. Even the Non-Malays who were their greatest supporters voted against them in the 8 March polls. They know that you are the cause because you highlighted all these Umno crunchies in Malaysia-Today. We the Bangsa Malaysia are aware and are supportive of your fair approach. The Royalties too are aware of your cries and pleadings in support of not only the marginalised but of the depressed from the Peninsula Heartland. Their silence should not surprise us for I believe that silence is consent.
You are our leader and you are not greedy for power. We know that you were offered seats to contest but declined. You know that if you had contested you would have won hands down. We understand that you had to answer your inner calls. Today we know, this was that call. Many of my Indian friends are calling you as the Malaysian Mahatma Gandhi in the making. They are not wrong. They are not wrong because you are still fighting for the Independence of Malaysia, though not from the British but from the UMNO/BN of Malaysia. You are fighting for the independence of the Judiciary; you are fighting for the independence of PDRM; you are fighting for the independence of the ACA; you are fighting for the independence of the Attorney General's Chambers; you are fighting for the independence of the Election Commission; you are fighting for the independence of the Main Stream Media (MSM); you are fighting for the independence of the Malays from the strangle-hold of UMNO; you are fighting for the Muslims also from the strangle-hold of UMNO, yet you are fighting for the rights of the marginalised Indians, the Malays who are depressed and deprived and for the rights of the Chinese.
Your leadership is needed. Come out from the detention. Please!
It is my call that you be declared as our:

By Mijoan


Comment aku dalam blog artikel ke 2nya.

Dear Tun ,
Islam Hadhari tak dapat menyelamatkan umno . Kita dah dapat melihatnya Sejak Tun turun dari takhta .
Sebenarnya Allah sembunyi banyak benda dari kita utk menguji kita.Tapi ada 6 yang penting , supaya kita pikiaq dalam2. Ia menjadi indicator utk hidup bahagia.

1 Dia sembunyikan redhoNya,
2.Dia sembunyikan murkanya,
3.Dia sembunyikan Lailatulqadar,
4.Dia sembunyikan wali2Nya di kalangan manusia,
5.Dia sembunyikan tarikh mati,
6.Dia sembunyikan pahala dan dosa.

Sebaik2 makhluk Allah ialah manusia , dan sehina2 makhlukNya juga manusia sehingga tarafnya turun lebih bawah dari haiwan.

Manusia terdiri dari perkataan : manu & sia . 'Manu' ertinya orang, 'sia' ertinya tak berguna.
Hanya iman dan amal menaikkan taraf kita supaya berguna.Pohon Allah kurniakan Taufik & HidayahNya.

Regards from nginapsrengenge



By SEAN YOONG,Associated Press Writer AP - Tuesday, May 6
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - A prominent Malaysian blogger was charged Tuesday with sedition for allegedly implying the deputy prime minister was involved in the sensational killing of a young Mongolian woman.

Raja Petra Raja Kamaruddin, who has not denied that he linked Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak to the slayings, pleaded innocent to the charge, telling reporters later that he should have the right to hold the powerful accountable for wrongdoing.
He was taken to a detention center after he refused to post bail. The court set the trial for Oct. 6.
"I am not posting bail. See you guys in guys in October," Raja Petra told supporters before police took him away. "I will be out for Christmas. Don't worry," he said as he embraced his teary-eyed wife and others.
Dozens of opposition members and bloggers had gathered to show support for Raja Petra outside the Kuala Lumpur magistrate's court where he was charged.
Critics slammed the charge, which carries a maximum punishment of three years in jail, as a blow to freedom of speech.
"Raja Petra has done a lot to raise people's awareness of issues," said Nurul Izzah Anwar, an opposition member of Parliament and daughter of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.
"This is an attempt to clamp down on all sorts of freedom. We would have thought that after the elections, things would have changed," Nurul Izzah said, referring to the huge losses the ruling National Front coalition suffered in the March 8 elections.
The sedition charge stems from an April 25 article titled "Let's Send the Altantuya Murderers to Hell" that Raja Petra posted on his popular Web site Malaysia Today.
Prosecutors say the article implies that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansoor, were involved in the 2006 killing in Malaysia of Altantuya Shaariibuu, a 28-year-old Mongolian interpreter.
Abdul Razak Baginda, a close associate of Najib, is charged with abetting the murder. Two policemen have been accused of killing her and destroying her body with explosives in a jungle clearing. The trial of the three men began in June 2007 and is under way.
The prosecution contends that Abdul Razak had the woman killed because she pestered him for money after he ended their affair.
Prosecutors said in the written charge that Raja Petra "published a seditious article ... which contains seditious sentences."
It said the sentences include allegations that Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi "is covering up evidence implicating Najib in the murder."
Raja Petra said he was not worried by the sedition charge.
"I am happy. I want to challenge the government. We bloggers have declared war on the government. We are not scared of the government. The government should be scared of us," he told reporters before going into the court.
"Is it seditious to influence people against corrupt leaders? There is nothing seditious," he said. "Do you think I do not have evidence?"
Some of Malaysia's most popular blogs offer strongly anti-government commentaries and present themselves as a substitute for mainstream media, which are controlled by or political parties or closely linked to them.
The government has taken many bloggers to court and accused them of spreading lies and undermining public stability.
Police questioned Raja Petra last July over articles he wrote that criticized the government.
In March a court ordered him to pay 4 million ringgit (US$1.25 million; ?800,000) to the state-run Universiti Utara Malaysia and its vice chancellor for publishing a defamatory article. Raja Petra has refused to pay.



A Recollection of E-mail Sent By Vivian Ghaffoor


Some people never seem motivated to participate, but are just content to watch while others do the work. They are called 'Spec Taters'.
Some people never do anything to help, but are gifted at finding fault with the way others do the work. They are called 'Comment Taters'.
Some people are very bossy and like to tell others what to do, but don't want to soil their own hands. They are called 'Dick Taters'.
Some people are always looking to cause problems by asking others to agree with them. It is too hot or too cold, too sour or too sweet. They are called 'Agie Taters'.
There are those who say they will help, but somehow just never get around to actually doing the promised help. They are called 'Hezzie Taters'.
Some people can put up a front and pretend to be someone they are not. They are called 'Emma Taters'.
Then there are those who love others and do what they say they will. They are always prepared to stop whatever they are doing and lend a helping hand. They bring real sunshine into the lives of others. They are called 'Sweet Po Taters'.
If you know any 'Sweet Po Taters', send this to them - I just did!!

Down here is my own edition:

Some people wallop money , bluff other people , cheating , etc.etc.etc. dan lain2nya ,what should we call them ?

"NGISING"........the word popularised by P.Ramlee in Ali Baba Bujang Lapok



Tak Tau Dari Mana Aku Kutip Cerita Di Bawah Ini
Anyhow Mari Kita Kongsi Mesejnya

A guy is 75 years old and loves to fish. He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, "Pick me up."
He looked around and couldn't see any one. He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again, "Pick me up."
He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog.
The man said, "Are you talking to me?"
The frog said, "Yes, I'm talking to you. Pick me up. Then, kiss me and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because you will have me as your bride."
The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front breast pocket.
Then the frog said, "What, are you nuts? Didn't you hear what I said? I said kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride"
He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said, "Nah, at my age I'd rather have a talking frog."



5 important lessons to learn from a humble pencil.

1. It tells you that everything you do will always leave a Mark .
2. You can always correct the mistake you make .
3. The important thing in life is what you are from inside and not from out side .
4. In life you will undergo painful sharpening which will make you better in whatever you do .
5. Finally, to be the best you can be, you must allow yourself to be held and guided by the hand that holds you.

( this article was sent to me by a friend : G.E.B a Brinsfordian )



Di peringkat awalnya Allah melantik langit , bukit dan berbagai lagi makhluknya memerintah bumi . Semuanya menolak kerana masing2 memahami kekurangan syarat2 yang ada pada diri masing2 . Akhirnya manusia sanggup memikul tugas ini . Malaikat memberitahu bahawa manusia akan membuat fasik di bumi.Dan inilah yang kita dapat lihat di hari ini , berlaku bebagai kepasikan di atas muka bumi.Allah mengubah2nya satu lepas satu pemerintah . Rom,Parsi yang gagah jatuh. Firaun jatuh ....jatuh dan jatuh semuanya kerana kepasikan.So there is no such thing as dulu , kini , dan selamanya .God will give a try to each its own . Not that Allah does not know ,but He knows everything .It is we who do not know who we are .Pohon Allah berikan taufik dan hidayah kat kita semua . Allah Ya Rabbil Alamin.......Allah , kerajaan seluruh alam.Allah berikan kita sebahagian dari kerajaanNya , tapi kita EGO .

Manusia suka jadi SHIT .

Friday, May 2, 2008


Ketawanya terbahak2 pabila saja turun dari kereta.Aku juga kehairanan mengapa sebegitu , sudah tentu ada sesuatu yang xtrodinary yang berlaku.Kalau tidak hati tak tercuit gelinya,suara itu tak menonjol keluar ke mulut. Kuasa geli itulah yang memuntah nada terbahak2 melompat dari celah2 gigi.
-betoi2 tak sangka dia tu pompuan kerana fizikalnya dan pakaiannya cap lelaki-
-sampai2 saja ,hulur tangan dan bersalaman-
-tok long ku juga heran , sidia mengajak tok long duduk dekatnya-
-mana tok long nak duduk , dia lelaki-
-bila sudah lama berbual , sidia beri tau dia pompuan-
-dia mengaji bersama ayahku-
-dia pernah main bola dengan ayahku di sekolah melayu dulu-
-sejak kecil lagi dia suka pakai macam lelaki-
-dia tomboy-
-dan sekarang masih kuat/sihat-
-tak ada lelaki sebaya berani dengannya-
-tok long heran mengapa lelaki tu ajak duduk dekat dia-
-kalau tau pompuan tak palah-
Terhungap2 Ihsan cerita pada ku. Yalah semuanya benar,bukan rekaan.Bukan fantasi.
Ya lah , si dia ialah Mek Ngah.
Mek Ngah masih strong , tapi tenagaku dan kawan sebayanya dah meleleh.
Bionic is Mek Ngah.....
She developed/owned about 60 acres of land ,self-laboured.
If given proper education,She should be 'a somebody' by now....most probably the first woman Malaysian Primier .
YAB Mek Ngah.



A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside. 'Your son is here,' she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the patient's eyes opened. Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man's limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement. The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed.All through the night the young Marine sat there in the poorly lighted ward, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine move away and rest awhile. He refused. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her and of the night noises of the hospital - the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of the night staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans of the other patients. Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son all through the night.Along towards dawn, the old man died. The Marine released the now lifeless hand he had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited. Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of sympathy, but the Marine interrupted her. 'Who was that man?' he asked. The nurse was startled, 'He was your father,' she answered. 'No, he wasn't,' the Marine replied.. 'I never saw him before in my life.''Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?''I knew right away there had been a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and his son just wasn't here. When I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, knowing how much he needed me, I stayed.' The next time someone needs you ... just be there. Stay. WE ARE NOT HUMAN BEINGS GOING THROUGH A TEMPORARY SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE..WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS GOING THROUGH A TEMPORARY HUMAN EXPERIENCE.(love this line)It's been on the Net for a while but there's no harm in reading it again, is there?