Friday, November 21, 2008


SEJARAH KERAP MENDUA KALIKAN…history repeats itself

Dulu cukup heboh bahawa Melayu mudah lupa.Yang betoinya semua manusia ni jenis pelupa.Pasai tu Allah berikan nama insan .Maksudnya pelupa.Mana tidaknya.Dulu kita semua di zaman zuriat telah sumpah mengakui Keesaan Allah .Tapi cuba tengok dah berapa ramai dah berpaling tadah.Dah lupa diri.Dah jadi tak berguna.Sesuailah dengan nama manusia.Manu ertinya orang.Sia ertinya tak berguna.Jadi kita adalah orang tak berguna ( kecuali bertaqwa ).Orang putih beri nama ‘human being’.Human ertinya orang.Being maksudnya ‘gitu-gitu’.Tak cukup syarat.Human being ialah orang tak cukup syarat.Orang tiga suku.

Yang paling tak cukup syarat di zaman kita lani ialah ‘Bush the father and his son Bush Junior’.Kedua beranak ni lah yang jadi punca kemusnahan dunia dalam segenap segi.Tercetus Perang Telok pada 1990/1991 memporakperanda dunia Islam .Selepas September eleven mereka gandakan nafsu serakah mereka.Cap Negara Islam tu ganas.Akhirnya Saddam dibunuh.Osama di kejar,tapi tak jumpa.Ciptaan depa unutk mengelabukan mata dunia.Sebuah silapmata yang haprak .Semua Negara Islam pening lalat.Turut mengambil tindakan terhadap rakyat sendiri.Kesucian Islam tercemar gara2 nak bersetuju dengan yahudi.Depa bukan yahudi kitabi.Kitab depa dah tak otentik.Dah diubah sesuai ikut selera depa.Kita pun dulu nak ikut perangai yahudi ni.Nak tafsir Al-quran semula.Apa punya bangang.Sepatah arab pun tak paham,nak tafsir semula.

Sekarang dah mula nampak kemurkaan Allah.Aku nak cerita yang berlaku di amerika.Perang Telok dulu tu dah banyak menyiksa askar2 amerika.Seperempat dari 697,000 askarnya mengidap penyakit yang kronik.Dulu mereka terdedah dengan berbagai bahan toksid,pesticides dan dadah.

An extensive federal report released Monday concludes that roughly one in four of the 697,000 U.S. veterans of the 1990-91 Gulf War suffer from Gulf War illness.

Di sini ialah repot sebenar mengenai reality Perang telok 90/91.

The report, titled "Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf War Veterans," was officially presented Monday to Secretary of Veterans Affairs, James Peak. Noting that overall funding for research into Gulf War illness has declined dramatically since 2001, it calls for a "renewed federal research commitment" to "identify effective treatments for Gulf War illness and address other priority Gulf War health issues." According to the report, Gulf War illness is a "complex of multiple concurrent symptoms" that "typically includes persistent memory and concentration problems, chronic headaches, widespread pain, gastrointestinal problems, and other chronic abnormalities. "The illness is identified as the consequence of multiple "biological alterations" affecting the brain and nervous system.While it is sometimes difficult to issue a specific diagnosis of the disease, it is, according to the report, no longer difficult to identify a cause. The report identifies two Gulf War "neurotoxic" exposures that "are causally associated with Gulf War illness." The first is the ingestion of pyridostigmine bromide (PB) pills, given to protect troops from effects of nerve agents. The second is exposure to dangerous pesticides used during the conflict.


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