Thursday, December 7, 2017


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More memories,little memories keep pouring in my head…..and friends keep messaging urging me not to give up writing……….I am actually exhausted penetrating into the old world of the 50’s……..lack of stamina but love of the past make me pursuing clicking the keyboard at a slow pace.
The first term was ending……..I never return home since entering the school………The British wanted us get fully oriented…….no homesick , they want her citizens rough and rugged……….we were well look after……enough food at the lowest cost……..mind you only 10 cents per day……..breakfast ( 2 half boiled eggs , bread and butter plus tea or coffee), lunch ( eat till fully satisfied), tea ( kueh melayu plus milked tea ),dinner ( makan sampai kenyang ), and after night study its either tea or coffee………..please sum-up the whole cost perday……, isn’t it ?
The wayward home bound is not as happy as children of today………in school we lived like lords……and back home we lack almost everything…….no electricity no water-pipes…….but our parents were more important to us………we miss their love……..and in my mind glad to tell them stories that I encountered in the world of fantasy in a far place.
It was a school holiday .First term holiday. We were to move home in groups…….east,west,south and north……….each group had a leader…….my group leader was my very intimate friend,Mat Tongkai ( nickname ).Later I will relate our stories at Ibrahim school Hostel,God willing.
Let me cut short….we moved east…..with the long fore-headed UTC bus ,packed like sardin headed to Gurun……then we made interchange to Jeniang by a bone-shaker bus………at Jeniang there is another crossing through a river,,,,,,by a rakit made from bamboos…….if you plunged into the river , crocordiles would feast you……..alas reaching the other side of the river , would make everybody happy.We had to proceed home by another bus.we named it Bus Pilus,because the divers’ name was Pilus.A very extraordinary bus.There were 2 rows of bus-sitting : on the left and on the right.If Pak Pilus kona kiri,the passengers sitting on the right would stood -up.So goes the passangers on the left would stood-up when Pak Pilus kona kanan……..intersting wasn’t it.So join me in my trip
It was fully one full day travelled from Sungai Petani to Sik.The buses were not scheduled as today……..I am also exhausted writing this trip………At last we reached Sik at twilight time…………
Picture: SP Railway Station…………there was no railway link to Sik,so is today.

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